Chocolate Coke Names

Here are some of my favorite names for Chocolate Coke

Coke Dark
Coke Midnight
Coke de Luxe
Coke Temptation
Coca Mocha
Coke Indulge
Coke Float
Coca Mocha
Coca-Cola Desire
Coke Sweet Tooth
Coke Indulgence
Coke Noir
Coke Divine
Coke Mystery
Coke Magic
Coke C
Coke Satin
Coke Aztec

May 11, 2010. Uncategorized.


  1. Katherine DeFord replied:

    I liked this assignment, but I also found it quite challenging. Because I feel like Coke is pretty consistent with having their product names be really simple like: Coke Zero, Cherry Coke, Vanilla Coke, and Diet Coke. To have a fancy name like Coke Indulgence or Coke Temptation I feel would put the Chocolate Coke Idea in a different field then the rest of these Coke Products. I also feel like it doesn’t fit the reputation of coke which to be is simple. Predictable, and consistent something that I feel like people look for in products that they find comfort in. When doing this assignment I did get creative and I had fun making up names for Chocolate Coke like: ChoCOKElate, Cocoa-Coke, and other interesting names, but I feel to stick the true reputation of coke the ones that would work would be: Coke Mocha, and Coke C. I feel like the rest of the names while extremely creative don’t really fit into the typical brand names of Coke products.

  2. Rainer Coloma replied:

    I totally agree with the comment below. This was definitely one of the most fun and most thought provoking assignments we have had to do in this class. Like the person below, I also asked my friends to assist me in picking the top 5 names off of my laundry list. One of my favorites in this laundry list was Coca-Cola Kisses. I came up with this name by combining two household products know to many people: Coca-Cola and Hershey’s Chocolate Kisses. If Coca-Cola were to use Coca-Cola Kisses as their product name, they would be using a strategy that is a cross between Positioning and Unique Selling Proposition. The same could be said if Coca-Cola were to use Coke Temptation from this set of list chosen by Professor Sheehan. Coke Temptation is my favorite off of this list because it embodies the product description really well. The combination of Coke and chocolate is very tempting. If this product were to be in the market, I would definitely give it a try. I like trying new and odd products so this is definitely up my alley.

  3. Teeona replied:

    This was such a fun assignment. After I named my names and thought of interesting names for the coke I asked around to my co workers what they thought and I had them give me some ideas. People are interesting thinkers, but I loved “Choc-a-cola” the best; not sure why, i just did. Although I don’t think I’d drink chocolate coke, when I did drink pop i barely drunk the cherry and the vanilla, so chocolate is a stretch!
    I think ‘coke de lux’ is pretty catchy as well. It makes it sound like it’s worth a lot more than the actual retail price.

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